Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pascagoula and Mill - Chung Fan Chang

It was really a pleasant surprise to find two more boxes today. As I was making my way toward Mill and Pearl to find Ming Donkey's box, I spotted this one at the corner of Mill and Pascagoula, also near the railroad bridge and across from the pile of rubble that used to be a building (but burned down a few months ago). This particular corner is pretty desolate right now, so the traffic box adds a cheery splash of color to liven things up. For frame of reference, I included a picture of the rubble at the bottom. It's kind of beautifully ugly to me - I'll almost be sad when they clean it up. Almost.

I'm hoping to be able to fill in the blanks for many of these unsigned boxes after the unveiling and walking tour on Thursday.  UPDATE: And I have! Thanks to the handy-dandy guide, I now know that this box is by Chung Fan Chang, who teaches at Jackson State University. Her box was the very first one! The guide says that she helped to work out the "kinks" in painting these boxes and helped the other artists troubleshoot for their paintings. Keep in mind, these boxes are metal, so I imagine there must be some prep work involved before slapping on the paint, or otherwise they'd be peeling and chipping already.

The box locations were chosen at random, but it is interesting to me that Chung's happened to be in close proximity to JSU. I think that's appropriate, don't you?


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